Our Goals

Our kennel is strategically designed with a meticulous 20-year breeding plan aimed at establishing a robust foundation for the Australian Laika breed. While our personal sporting goals include excelling in Scent Work and Lure Coursing, our primary focus is on sled dog racing and travelling across Australia to compete, and ultimately race our teams in the snow. We aspire to achieve recognition on the ASSA ASSA – Australian Sleddog Sports Association Working Sled Dog Register (WSDR) and obtain sledding titles for our dogs, facilitating the acknowledgment of our purpose bred Australian Laika litters as registered sled dogs with pedigrees and traceable ancestry. This, in turn, will enable a seamless transition from WSDR to the Dogs Australia (ANKC) Sporting Register, expanding our dogs' participation in a broader spectrum of sporting events. As ethical breeders, we follow the ANKC and ASSA code of ethics closely.

Our breed is unique and won’t be readily available elsewhere, which is why we can be assured our puppies will go to their forever homes. We also do this by thoroughly getting to know who we send our puppies to and guaranteeing to take them back if something unpredictable happens within their lives. Under no circumstances will one of our babies find themselves unloved or in a shelter, they are always welcome to come back home to us and we can assist the dog from there. Our wish for the puppies that leave Itahni Kennels is that they find lifelong homes where they are cherished and cared for, with our support available for the entirety of their journey. Ideally, our dogs will find homes that prioritize their needs and take into account their genetics and inherent abilities.


Our Breed