Dam: Luna (Wooly Alaskan Malamute)

Sire: Wally (Samoyed x Siberian Husky)

Birth Date: 02/08/2020

Weight: 21 kg

DNA Clear (Orivet tested): Clear of 197 diseases/carrier of 0 diseases/at risk of 0 diseases.

Notable DNA Traits:

  • Two copies of the double coat (dense undercoat) phenotype.

  • Carrier of the long hair gene.

  • High shedding.

  • Does not carry brown/red/liver/chocolate.

  • Dominant black, does not carry “husky type” pale yellow/white.

DNA Breed Analysis: 39.1% Alaskan Malamute, 38.09% Samoyed, 22.81% Siberian Husky

Hips: 4:3

Elbows: 0:0

Personality: Rogue is a sweet, family-oriented girl who is extremely athletic and excitable. She loves to run fast and forgets she has ears in public. While she won’t listen if the environment is more stimulating – she loves to be out in nature -, she is still incredibly intelligent and values play and cuddles more than food as a reward. Rogue has an incredible prey drive and is as quick as lightning, making her excel in hunting and sports that require the prey drive such as lure coursing. Growing up with cats has ensured that she recognises them as family and is gentle with our smaller house animals. She is just as gentle with children and with her puppies, making her an excellent mum and playmate to little ones of all kinds. Rogues trustworthiness and kind nature make her an asset to our family.


Sledding: Racing through ASSA and AFSS affiliated clubs, working towards her ASSA titles.

Rogue has competed in 9 dryland sledding races, one of which was a National Championship race, placing first on her first ever Novice Scooter race and first ever Canicross race. She has competed in Novice Scooter, Canicross, 2 Dog Open and 2 Dog Bike.  19.6 kmph is her fastest recorded average speed over one 2.5km heat.

Lure Coursing: Trialing through LCA and working towards her ALCA titles. Rogue shows immense enthusiasm for the sport and achieves consistent high scores.

Rogue achieved fastest mixed breed in Western Australia in the 2023 Battle of the States, not long after raising her first litter. Her recorded time was 8.86 seconds for the 100 metre sprint.

Scent Work:

Rogue has successfully completed the Scent Work Foundations course with KivaDog Training.

Other: Rogue has participated in WASSA sled dog demonstrations and Christmas parades, her ability to be showcased to the public in busy environments a testament to her well-balanced personality.

Litters Whelped: 1


